Patient participation group

What is a Patient Participation Group?

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients, carers and staff who meet to discuss service issues, new innovations and patient experience to support in improving services. Coppull Medical Practice Patient Participation Group includes patients living within our practice catchment area. 

Purpose of a PPG

The purpose of the PPG is:

  • To give patients and service staff the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest.
  • To provide a way for patients to become more involved and make suggestions about the services they receive.
  • To explore issues from patient complaints and patient surveys, contribute to action plans and help monitor service improvements.
  • To review existing service feedback from NHS Choices and friends and family surveys and propose developments or change.
  • To support health awareness and wider patient education.

Who can join a PPG?

Any patients registered with the practice over the age of 16 is welcome to join the group.  

How often are meetings?

The PPG meets 4 times for approximately 2 hours. 

What do patients get out of having a patient group?

Patients attending the group have:

  • The opportunity to be more involved with their local NHS services.
  • A chance to make suggestions and improve the service.
  • A means of ensuring that complaints are taken on board and necessary changes are being made.
  • A way of finding out more about healthcare provision
  • Patient are able to contribute to the NHS and the wider community whilst having their voice heard and witnessing change happen when working as a part of a group.
  • An opportunity to learn more about the NHS, and use their existing skills as a patient representative.

What does Coppull Medical Practice get out of having a patient group?

  • An improved understanding of their patient experiences and views, thus contributing to more satisfied patients and better run services.
  • Solutions that may not have been explored before.
  • PPGs can encourage health education activities amongst patients.
  • Contributions to developing services that will benefit patients


  • The PPG will meet at least 4 times a year and these meeting dates will be set in advance. Members will send apologies in advance of the meeting if they are unable to attend
  • A GP partner and a Manager will attend all PPG meetings, wherever possible to present news of developments and to respond to issues raised by the PPG
  • Copies of the minutes of meetings will be prepared and distributed to the PPG and made available to patients online. 

The following ground rule apply to all of the meetings

  • No individual complaints or personal issues.
  • No one person to dominate the meeting.
  • Open and honest communication.
  • Respect confidentiality at all times.
  • To speak up if there is anything to discuss as silence indicates agreement with what is being said.
  • All views are valid and will be listened to.
  • All telephones to be switched off / on silent.
  • No discrimination on any grounds.
  • All meetings to start and finish on time.
  • Adhere to the agenda.

If you would like to join our patient group meetings online please email your details to

PPG Minutes - January 2025

PPG Minutes - April 2024

PPG Minutes - December 2023

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